
You can use Pigeon in a couple of different ways, depending on the way your site is being developed. First, you'll need to download the latest version or grab the code on GitHub.

You can also install Pigeon with Bower or Component using the following commands:

$ bower install pigeon
$ component install rowanmanning/pigeon

Plain CSS

If you're just writing vanilla CSS, then you can simply include pigeon.css or pigeon.min.css in your page above your own styles.

If you need to customise pigeon, you can do so by tweaking the default variables and rebuilding the CSS.


If you're already using Sass with your project, then you can include Pigeon directly. This is simple; assuming you have the Pigeon source code in the vendor/pigeon folder:

@import "vendor/pigeon/lib/pigeon";

If you wish to customise Pigeon, you can do so using Sass variables. You can find documentation for customising Pigeon here.


Once you're set up, you can start using the wealth of CSS objects provided by Pigeon. Read about CSS objects here.

Note: Pigeon comes bundled with Normalize.css, which means there's no need to include your own reset or normalizer – in fact, styles will probably break if you do.